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What does the Hydrographics Activator do?

The PVA Foil is placed on the water, after which it absorbs water, for about 60 seconds, and ‘dissolves’

The Foil is placed on the water with the ‘PVA side’ down, while the print remains ‘face up’ in the air.

The Print however, does not dissolve in water. This is where the Activator comes into action! When applying the activator to the PVA that sits floating on the water, it ‘liquifies’ the print.

What makes the HGWTP Media Activator unique?

Our activator is the result of many years of research and development.

Dozens of chemical companies in different countries have assisted us in the past years on the road to the final result.

Our activator activates the Water Transfer Printing Foils within seconds, then provides a comfortable time window for dipping.

HGWTP Activator ensures optimal adhesion, and it is always color neutral, so the print is in good hands.

We have perfected the balance between volatility and adhesive potential, you almost cannot go wrong!

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